July 3-9 Weekly Metal Recommendations

If you need even more metal in your life, I get all my info from https://www.metal-archives.com/ from which you can find upcoming releases, and from http://metalstorm.net/home/, from which you can find both upcoming and past releases although it is not as complete of a list compared to metal-archives.)

(I’m still using the rating system from our “New Releases” list although I will likely no longer be listing anything below a +2 unless it comes from a very well known band)

-1 - not for me or just bad

+0 - not particularly interesting or not that good

+1 - worth checking out if you like the style

+2 - interesting

+3 going on my buy list

+4 already bought or pre-ordered

July 6, 2021

Band: Emerald Rage

Release: High King

Style: Traditional, speed, power



July 7, 2021

Band: Dismalìa

Style: Vile Enigma

Style: Gothic



July 9, 2021

Band: Mayhem

Release: Atavistic Black Disorder / Kommando (EP)

Style: Black



Band: Night Crowned

Release: Hädanfärd

Style: Melodic Black


(+3 if you speak Swedish)


Band: Kambrium

Release: Synthetic ERA

Style: Synthonic Melodic Death/Power



Band: Sepiroth

Release: Condemned to Suffer

Style: Death



Band: Internal Conflict

Release: A P O R I A

Style: Metal-core



Band: Dialith

Release: Atrophy (EP)

Style: Synthonic



Band: Elderblood

Release: Achrony

Style: Black



Band: Laurenne/Louhimo

Release: The Reckoning

Style: Heavy


(other songs I heard was unfortunately not this good)


Band: Domination Campaign

Release: Onward to Glory

Style: Death


(good but songs all seem very similar)
